Taken care of forever: The drive for personal autonomy

So when we’re born, we’re taken care of, and we are raised by family, or maybe some other situation, somebody’s taking care of us.
We go to school, we follow the rules of school, and get a job, and follow the rules of the job.
We are taken care of by these organizations.
Family, some kind of school, some kind of employer.
So that it’s possible to go through these steps and essentially be taken care of for life.
Now, this doesn’t apply to everybody, because many people would have maybe a bad experience when they’re very young, they did not have a family to support them, and maybe did not have schooling, or no job, or whatever.
There’s various ways this can break down.
But for many people, it is completely possible to go from the family environment, through the school environment, through the work environment, and at all times to be almost like the ward of a guardian, like we’re taking care of like a ward, and the institution is like our guardian.
School: you follow the rules, and they make sure you get through.
And same with work.
You do what you need to do, and you are given the money and the benefits or whatever that can help you to live.
So in this model, in this way of looking at things, we really never need to have authority over ourselves.
And maybe this even applies to our free time, outside work.
We can turn to Netflix or major media, whatever, to provide us with entertainment, and so entertainment is being taken care of by outside organizations.
So our business life and our personal life can be taken care of.
If we are able to play with the system and just do what is expected, we can be forever taken care of, and never really have to manage ourselves.
Now, this is an extreme picture, and everybody still has to make some decisions.
It’s not like we’re entirely institutionalized.
But in many ways, we can simply do the normal things and be taken care of all the way.
And on the other extreme, there’s no way to not have this, because we’re all in some sense taken care of by a government, we’re under protection of governments, and so we’re not fully independent agents entirely responsible for ourselves.
And that’s probably a good thing, because if we weren’t taken care of at all by these organizations, we would essentially be- it would just be like gangs with guns, because if we really had to each take care of ourselves entirely, then we would have to be ready for warfare at all times.
And you can see some of the attempt to go into this extreme, people that are really into guns and militias.
You know, I’m going to have my compound in the woods where I can defend myself.
As much as it to me seems like it’s a very impractical idea, and it seems like it may not be very useful, but there’s something there where there’s a spirit of taking care of yourself.
It’s like an idea that I want to be able to manage myself.
Now, people can try this in all sorts of ways it doesn’t have to be the armed militia compound.
You could go off and be a hermit in the wilderness and just survive on your own, or with your collective, go put up a yurt and start a farm.
And there’s there’s something very appealing about all these sorts of uh ideas, because there’s something that we’ve lost in being so carefully managed by an institution by by this system of all the institutions taking care of us.
Government, education, business, all taking care of things.
There’s a part of us I think that just wants to break out of it all, and wants to know what would it be like without this system? What would it be like to just be humans in the wilderness? And so I think that this call in one way or another will always be with us.

#autonomy #personalautonomy #freedom

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