
Philosophical escapism: Using logic to convince yourself of whatever you want to believe

In an earlier video I talked about the dangers of spiritual escapism, that in the world of spiritual things, we can really believe whatever we want, and there’s no test of physical reality that can disprove and say “No, your spiritual belief is wrong”, or “Yes, your spiritual belief is right”. Because we can believe

Philosophical escapism: Using logic to convince yourself of whatever you want to believe Read More »

Spiritual escapism: Using spiritual beliefs to avoid facing life

Just saying the word “spiritual” suddenly divides people. Everybody, it seems, has a different idea of what it means. For some people, spiritual means imaginary fantasy that is clearly not real. For some people, spiritual means God and the essence of a religion. For others, spiritual means, well, really whatever they want it to mean.

Spiritual escapism: Using spiritual beliefs to avoid facing life Read More »