Gentleness and toughness: How do we combine both into one character?

I’ve been thinking about what makes a good disposition to face the world with, to face the outside world, to face everybody else, the mix of all the people doing their own things. Some people want to mess with you and other people under your protection, other people have more positive intentions, and we’re dealing

Gentleness and toughness: How do we combine both into one character? Read More »

How much reality do you want? Nothing but the ugly truth, or a little creative licence for comfort?

In the last video, I started talking about raw reality and escaping from reality, and I was going to get into escapism, but then it just got sidetracked into realizing that, just as humans, we always have some kind of separation from raw reality. We always have some kind of a layer that is built

How much reality do you want? Nothing but the ugly truth, or a little creative licence for comfort? Read More »